Domestic Violence Agencies, Health & Allied  Practitioners

We provide a range of services to support those touched by Domestic or Sexual Violence.

Information for Domestic Violence Agencies and Health Practitioners

Are you supporting a client or patient experiencing domestic or sexual violence?

Technology-facilitated abuse encompasses the use of technology to perpetrate or enable various forms of harm, including controlling, coercing, stalking, intimidating and harassing another person.

According to the Australian e-Safety Commissioner:

           - 99.3% of Australian family, domestic and sexual violence practitioners have had clients who experienced technology-facilitated abuse.

           - 62.3% of Australian adults between 18 and 54 years have experienced technology-facilitated sexual violence.

           - 27% or over one quarter of domestic violence cases involve technology-facilitated abuse of children.

Many domestic violence and health practitioners do not know how to assist clients experiencing technology-facilitated abuse or know how to assess their client’s risk.

We can help.

Steps to assist your clients:

             1.    Ask your client to complete the digital safety risk assessment (link below).

             2.    Review the results and follow the steps recommended in the outcomes of the assessment.

             3.    Contact us if you have any questions or require further advice or information.

Many clients may benefit from undertaking a Digital Safety Audit with one of our specialist practitioners. A digital safety audit is designed to identify potential compromises of mobile phones, smart devices, cloud, and social media accounts and assess their impact.

Following the audit we may take steps to:

Preserve: Any evidence identified to ensure its availability.

Analyse: Evidence for its authenticity and relevance.

Report: Document outcomes to assist clients in reporting to police, engaging a legal representation, applying for a court order or seeking other support.

Secure: Client devices and accounts are remediated and secured to restore safety.

Educate: Clients develop the knowledge and skills to monitor their online safety and better manage the security of their mobile phone and other devices.

Follow the link below to book a Digital Safety Audit for your client.