Government & Business

Nansen supports Government and Business to get the job done!

Nansen staff are available for short term contracts to assist governments and businesses achieve their goals through our range of services. Search for us through ICN and Buy ICT.

Technology Safety Audits

Our Technology Safety Audits are based on the Digital Safety Audits we perform in partnership with Domestic Violence Agencies across Australia. The Technology Safety Audit is designed to allow Human Resources staff to manage staff presenting as experiencing domestic violence, to understand and manage the risk of technology facilitated abuse. Technology abuse is present in 70-90% domestic violence cases. Our Technology Safety Audits will assess what spyware or malicious configuration is present on the staff members mobile devices and cloud accounts, we will work with them to educate them on cyber security in relation to domestic violence and develop a safety plan with the staff member.

The referring department will receive a report from us, a set of recommendations and if appropriate, a referral to a local domestic violence support agency.

Digital Forensic Services

We provide full range of digital forensic services, including mobile phone, computer, smart device, cloud and network forensics to support your investigations. Our forensic staff are cleared to NV1 (Secret) and will support you through the process from evidence identification to expert witness testimony.

Fraud & Corruption Investigations

Does your organisation lack the resources or experience to conduct investigations into fraud and corruption committed against or within your organisation, or do you require an independent review?

Nansen staff are available for short term contracts to independently review, manage or join your team, to undertake investigations into alleged civil and criminal offences. Our staff are skilled in investigation planning and management, conducting witness and suspect interviews, undertaking digital forensic work and more. Contact us to learn more about how we can support you.

Digital Strategy & Cloud Migration

Does your organisation or department require an effective digital strategy? Do you have a plan for successful cloud migration?
Nansen has been trusted by multiple government departments and organisations with their digital strategy and cloud migration planning. Our staff have managed successful migration projects to 100% in the cloud, an achievement that is rare. We will help you plan for this success, developing the strategy and plan, and working with your staff to ensure they are ready to manage a successful implementation.

Cyber Security Governance and Risk Management

Cyber security governance is often marred in fear, uncertainty and doubt. We can work with your staff to develop a risk security governance and metric based performance management plan for any organisation, including compliance with the Essential 8 and ISM.

Cyber security and Cyber governance training and planning for Boards and Executives

Cyber security is an essential executive/board responsibility, but how do you upskill your executive team? Nansen can help, we are experienced cyber security professionals and have developed a range of executive education packages, aimed at non-technical executives, to upskill them in cloud migration, blockchain and cyber security technology without needing to dive intot he techncial details.

Crypto-currency Tracing and Auditing

Nansen provides professional services in crypto-currency tracing and auditing for Accountants, Legal practitioners, Governments, and Organisations. Beliefs about the anonymity of crypto currencies are a myth. In fact, with the requisite knowledge and expertise, tracing crypto currency is easier than tracing cash, irrespective of location. If you have an inquiry or issue with identifying, tracing or auditing crypto currency, then get in touch and we will assist you.  

Blockchain and Smart Contract Cyber Security Auditing.

Trust a company that has developed world first and patented blockchain and smart contract technology to undertake your auditing. We are the experts in this field, without question. We have been through almost five years of research and development to deliver Chain-FS, which is currently being piloted by multiple domestic violence agencies in Victoria and NSW.  Do not risk your auditing to those without significant hands-on experience. Identifying security vulnerabilities in smart contract execution requires an intricate understanding of code and operability.  Without this knowledge, your entire project may be at risk.

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist you.